Author Archives: Idaho Style

Google Data Studio Becomes the Looker Studio

Google Looker vs Google Data Studio

As the world’s largest and most popular search engine, it’s no surprise that Google would eventually develop its own data visualization tool. And that’s exactly what they’ve done with the release of Google LookerStudio. Designed to help businesses better understand their data, Google Looker Studio makes it easy to create beautiful visualizations and reports from […]

What Digital Marketing in 2023 Will Look Like

Digital Marketing 2023 Idaho Style

Digital marketing in 2023 will be very different from what it is today, especially given how quickly and frequently the environment is changing. Keeping up with the latest trends and changes will be essential for businesses that want to stay competitive. Here are some of the things that we can expect in the future: 1. […]

The Top 12 Web Design Trends for 2022

Top 10 Web Design Trends of 2022

In 2021, the world saw some of the biggest changes in web design since the early days of the internet. So what can we expect for web design in 2022? Here are 12 trends that will be shaping the way we browse, shop and interact online in the coming year. Looking back over the last […]

How Companies can Utilize NFTs and Web3 in their Reward Programs

NFTs and Brand Loyalty Programs

Global brands are taking initiatives to develop new use cases for these digital tokens called NFTs, it’s no surprise that NFTs have become one of the most talked-about topics today. But what exactly are these digital tokens and how are companies utilizing NFTs in their reward programs to provide added value for customers? Let’s begin. […]

10 Handy Tips for Improving your Boise SEO Results

10 Tips for Improving Boise SEO Results

As the capital of Idaho, Boise is a hub for businesses of all sizes. If you’re looking to improve your Boise SEO results, there are a few things you can do to get started. First things first, let’s start off with the basics. 1. Use keyword-rich titles and descriptions. When it comes to Boise SEO, […]

Boise Advertising Agency Idaho Style

Boise Advertising Agency Idaho Style

Are you looking for an advertising agency that can help your business in Boise, Idaho? Look no further than Boise Advertising Agency. We have years of experience helping businesses in the area reach their marketing goals, and we’re dedicated to our clients with quality service. No matter what your advertising needs may be, we can […]

You Can Get Expert Help From An Advertising Agency in Boise

Advertising Agency in Boise Idaho

Affordable Boise Advertising isn’t just a pipe dream; Idaho Style is the most respected Advertising Agency in Boise, and it’s dedicated to making it a reality for businesses throughout the region. If your website isn’t living up to your expectations, get help from Idaho Style’s experts. The digital advertising business has changed dramatically because to […]

Idaho Style Lands in the Top 6 Best Boise Web Design Companies by Expertise

Best Boise Web Design Company 2021

The Results Are In, And Idaho Style has Landed in The Top 6 – Out Of All Boise Web Design Companies Boise, ID November 11th, 2021 — Expertise, an independent research firm specializing in product reviews and comparisons recently announced their findings for the Best Boise Web Design Companies survey. Judging criteria included more than […]

What Makes a PPC Consultant in Boise, ID a Key Player?

boise PPC consultant

Many businesses increasingly realize the effectiveness of PPC as a marketing strategy, if you haven’t yet, it might be time to speak with a PPC Consultant in Boise. On average, businesses earn about $2 for every dollar they spend on PPC. However, not all business owners understand how PPC works. Trying to develop a Boise […]

Remember The Five D’s of Digital Marketing

the 5 D's of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing revolves around these 5 D’s: digital devices, digital platforms, digital media, digital data, and digital technology. The 5 D’s facilitate efficient interaction between the brand and its target audience as well as provide insights into market behavior for better business strategy formulation and implementation.