We just wanted to say “Thank You” to you guys for everything that you’ve done. You’ve literally built our website, and through thick and thin, ups and downs; there have been way more amazing things than there have been problems. The bottom line is, you’ve allowed us to have a ship that’s brought in 6 Mil and it’s just getting started… On behalf of myself and everybody in this room and we love you guys just want to say THANK YOU
Chris Stoikos – Founder –
«Dollar Beard Club»
The Task
Dollar Beard Club came to us after their Shopify prototype subscription site didn’t meet the cut. They outlined their goals and needs of creating a subscription based website that sells men’s grooming products. Heck, they even moved their entire operations 3 miles from our headquarters to be closer to the team.
The site needed to be able to handle tens of thousands of users on a concurrent connection. Utilizing some of our latest and greatest technology (at the time), we created DBC a subscription based box service using our proprietary Humpback framework.
The Decision
As passionate as we are about web projects, this was one of the really cool ones that crossed our desk, and it just so happen that some of us have beards too.
The main technical difficulty was to determine how to place an impressive amount of video content, and at the same time create a smooth user interface, ensuring high site loading speed.
Utilizing our platform framework Humpback we created DBC, which allowed us to rapidly scale Dollar Beard Club in their extremely short deadlines. Dollar Beard Club’s growth was one to push the limits of our Humpback Framework, a true battle tested accolade for one of our experiments.
As Dollar Beard Club reached maturity, we passed the torch to their internal team and helped them along the way.

A Subscription Service for Beards
A case study spanning from inception into a Multi-Million Dollar Company